My Thoughts About Turning 30
In case you didn’t know, I just recently turned 30 this past September. Growing up, I felt like there was always a daunting stigma surrounding turning 30, mostly because thats what other people told me. TV shows and movies paint a picture of losing your youth, and how life is all downhill after your 20s. I won’t lie, I definitely had a few moments of anxiety and fear when my 30th birthday rolled around. For some reason, I felt like my 20s would never end. Then, I found each year started to move faster and faster, and all of a sudden I was 29. Having a boyfriend that is 4 years younger than me (26) doesn’t make aging into my 30s any easier LOL.
After a few months, my anxieties calmed and I came to terms that I am done with my 20s. And you know what? It actually isn’t so bad. I think my mindset changed when someone told me that getting older is a privilege. Not everyone gets to. My 20s were everything I would have wanted them to be. I got to experience college, turning 21, making lifelong friends, jumping to job after job until I found my dream career, and meeting my soulmate. I’m realizing I still have SO much left to look forward to. I am very much over partying until 2am, wondering how I can turn shopping into a career, and living paycheck to paycheck. I feel so much more settled with my life and who I am now, that I couldn’t imagine reliving my 20s again, especially when I see how amazing my life has turned out. While the actual number can feel like a shock, its just that, a number. It has no effect on how you feel, dress, or act. I was personally very insecure in my early 20s. I was unsure of myself and where I was going in life. Flash forward to today - I have never felt more confident, happy, or content with my life than I am right now. I have big plans for myself in these next 10 years, and I’m realizing now that my 30s are probably going to be way better than my 20s. I am feeling so excited and grateful to have the privilege of getting older.
40 though? Hmm.. come talk to me again in 1o years ;)